Last week our “Water Book” has finally been published at Echtzeit, Basel. “Das Wasserbuch. Überschwemmungen, Dürre, Gletscherschwund. Vier Expeditionen im Herzen Europas.” contains great investigative journalism by Swiss author Mathias Plüss, maps of the regions visited, and sections of documentary photography by Regina Hügli, drawing an atmospheric picture of European landscapes in change.

For the “Water Book” we have traveled to headwater regions at the four triple points of the Continental watershed in Europe. Places from which water flows into three different seas respectively. They are located on the Lunghin Pass (GR), on the Witenwasserenstock (UR), in the French region of Langres and on the Klapperstein in the Czech-Polish border region.
We have climbed peaks, hiked through tunnels, but above all talked to locals. In the process, we encountered water conflicts of various kinds. The result is twelve locally anchored reportages. They are representative of what is currently happening almost everywhere in the world.

Three years of joint work, traveling, discovering and discussing, writing and selecting have come to an end. We have celebrated our Book Vernissage on October 14th in Andermatt, Switzerland, on the last day of the SHARING WATER exhibition at the Talmuseum Andermatt.
With our book, we want to raise awareness of a resource on which we all depend, and whose intensive use has reached its limits. We hope to contribute to a more balanced, respectful and careful treatment of water.

DAS WASSERBUCH. Überschwemmungen, Dürre, Gletscherschwund. Vier Expeditionen im Herzen Europas.
Mathias Plüss and Regina Hügli
ISBN 978-3-906807-29-4
2022, Echtzeit, Basel, German, 200 pages, 36.- CHF/Euro.