SHARING WATER happily announces a literally wonderful upcoming event: the artist Barbara Anna Husar creates with her FLYING UDDER an airy but sustainably effective ritual above the triple watershed at the Pass Lunghin in November 2020. With her video message she invites children from the surrounding regions and countries to participate in the RITUAL FOR EARTH.
The location
The Pass Lunghin (2644 m.asl.) is the most important hydrological node point of Central Europe and is located in the Swiss Alps. The European watershed diverts there into three directions. The water can flow into the Mediterranean, the North and the Black Sea. It is a waterhead region. The rivers Inn (Danube), Mera (Po) and Julia (Rhein) take their share of water with them, heading to their respective maritime destinations.
The Pass Lunghin is at the center of the directions of flow in Europe. This area is one of the hotspots for the project SHARING WATER, which advocates for a sustainable, collaborative, cross border water treatment in Europe. The social sculpture FLYING UDDER is a hot air balloon dedicated to bestowing higher visibility to sustainable impulses in concern of sensitive resources. The planned ritual is going to make a future oriented mark at the Pass Lunghin radiating into all directions.

The ritual
RITUAL FOR EARTH is inspired by the Tibetan ritual Lung-Ta. When crossing a mountain pass good wishes for this world are handed over to the wind and the sky with the words “Lha gye lo – the gods will prevail”.
For our joint ritual we collect the good wishes of children concerning the future on our planet. The messages are written on leaves and will travel from Voralberg (A) to the triple watershed by the hot air balloon FLYING UDDER. Above the Pass Lunghin they are going to be entrusted to the wind, the four orientations and the three directions of flow.
The children’s thoughts and wishes are a mental force we trust in. They are a strong message to all beings and to Earth itself. The RITUAL FOR EARTH connects the children’s forces for a future together on our planet.
We are honored to have received appreciation for our joint action even from a highly official side: The Swiss Federal President Simonetta Sommaruga supports our ritual with a personal statement.

Every child (as well as every inner child) can take part in this ritual.
Just collect leaves from nature and write on them your personal wish for the future on our planet. Send the leaves to one of the following addresses until November 11th 2020, marking them with the code “RITUAL FÜR DIE ERDE”.
Österreichisches Kulturforum Bern
Kennwort: Ritual für die Erde
Kirchenfeldstrasse 77-79
CH-3005 Bern
Schweizerische Botschaft in Wien
Kennwort: Ritual für die Erde
Prinz Eugen-Strasse 9a
1030 Wien
Galerie hilleckes&probst
Kennwort: Ritual für die Erde
Suarezstrasse 55
14057 Berlin – Charlottenburg
The exact date of the ritual depends on the weather. It is the winds which define the journey of a hot air balloon.
If you additionally send an email to, we can give you a sign one day before the ritual takes place. After the ritual we will happily send you a report and pictures of our joint venture at the Pass Lunghin.