Stefan Fraunberger
Stefan Fraunberger is an Austrian composer and artist exploring themes of transformation and liminality in sound, focusing on materiality in relation to perception. Fraunberger holds a degree in electro-acoustic music and a diploma in Arabic language, oriental studies, and Euro-philosophy from the university of Vienna. He engages in electro-acoustic dialogue with different instruments, beings and agencies beyond nature and culture. By investigating embodied understandings of the uncanny, his work touches on time, matter, memory and transition.
Fraunberger approaches music as a language of things, connecting physical entities and interior states of being. This approach lies at the core of his research into peripheries and imaginations relating human/non-human, material/spiritual domains.

Interested in the “Zone Zero” at the triple watershed at Pass Lunghin, Fraunberger followed the invitation of the Sharing-Water Project to dive into a field research at this special location in summer 2020.