During the last days the hurricane called “Sabine” (vulgo “Elsa”,”Ciara”) raced through Europe and brought devastating blows of wind and heavy rain to many countries in a row. I stayed close to the watershed at the Arlberg these days and watched the stream next to our house change completely within hours.
The snow covering the landscape melted away rapidly in the down-pouring rain. The stream rose high, rushing downwards as a massive force, brown with soil from massive landslides, tearing away earth, bushes and rocks of its bank.
There is a saying: “Nature doesn’t know of any disaster”. Nature only knows of change, may it be slow or rapid. The “disaster” is the human perception of cataclysm. And after all, by provoking climate change we have been creating a huge disaster for our kind.
It’s time to face the changes taking place and to induce a better balanced relationship with nature.
One very good opportunity to get informed about the changes going on in Norway, is the documentation “chasing climate change“. It’s a very good snapshot and a great online presentation! Journalist Mads Nyborg Støstad and photographer Patrick da Silva Sæther have taken account of the current changes taking place in Norway and the effects they have to the daily lives of people.